About the School

Age Groups ~ Tiny Tots, Discoverers, Explorers, Adventurers

Tiny Tots – 3 months to 15 months

Optimal number in the class: 4

When the need arises to put your baby into our care, you can be sure that you are putting him or her into good hands.

During the first year of life, an infant needs more one-on-one attention which is what your baby will receive in our low infant to caregiver ratio.  Our infant teacher will assist your baby to learn how to use language to connect with his or her world, to develop relationships and to get what he or she needs by encouraging these skills through daily, stimulating experiences such as tummy time, singing lullabies and songs, baby stories, puppets, age appropriate toys and interaction with others.  She will build up a trust with your baby by giving freely available cuddles and a positive response to his or her cries and body language.

Discoverers – 16 months to 2 years

Optimal number in the class: 6

Here, your child will transition from baby to toddler, discovering and connecting with his or her world.

He or she will learn to express himself or herself verbally. The teacher will encourage each toddler to interact with other children and adults through a variety of fun and interactive activities that will encourage physical, social, emotional and intellectual development.

Explorers (2 – 3 years)

Optimal number in the class: 10

Here your child will embark on an exploratory journey of learning!

He or she will learn to master self-help skills such as dressing and toileting.

Along with this comes a sense of independence and the freedom to make simple decisions in a secure and structured environment. Sharing, caring and good listening skills will be encouraged.

The teacher will continue to promote language development and communication with peers and adults, an interest in problem solving and an enjoyment in outdoor play.

Adventurers 4 -5 years

Maximum number in the class: 12

This is where learning and development takes off as your child becomes more self-sufficient. This age group is always on the go and life becomes and exciting adventure.

The classroom will offer challenges and stimulation through a variety of activities, experiences and materials provided each day to keep your child busy and happy.

Our Classrooms

We have lovely classrooms that are equipped with the resources that incorporate all the various learning areas for the different age groups.   The classrooms are stocked with everything that the children need to facilitate their learning experience and develop imaginative play.


Our Grounds

Our large and secure garden and playground offer the opportunity for your child to explore and investigate the joys of outdoor play. We have a lovely paved bike track; plenty of room for running on the lawn; a large, clean sandpit; a guinea pig enclosure; and large trees that provide ample shade for hot summer days.

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